Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rockford Air Show - 2009

A beautiful display of excellence at the Rockford Air Show 2009. As you can see, the F-22 Stealth was the main draw; it's precision and performance was unbelievable ... too bad we can't buy parts for it anymore!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Chicago - June 5, 2009

Likely one of the best days for weather in Chicago. Absolutely gorgeous, right around 70 with a slight breeze, but not cold at all.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Mexico - Spring 2009

Recently, I had the opportunity to take a few days and head to New Mexico to do a little bit of outdoor work. After driving down through Kansas and hanging out in Topeka for a couple of days due to the transmission breaking down, the majestic view of the mountains was well worth the wait, as were the rejuvinating hot springs. Hanging out with my family is always a blast. BTW, the family photo you see above is only a slice of the whole crowd. My Big Fat Greek Wedding has nothing on me ;)!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Usquequaque tardus , tamen puteus dignitas exspecto.

“Usquequaque tardus , tamen puteus dignitas exspecto.”

I believe this is the latin inscription beneath the Bollman family coat of arms. When translated (via online geniuses) it means, “Always late, but well worth the wait.” Last year on my birthday, I posted a year in review and promised to do the same every year thereafter. Nearly seven months have passed since my birthday ... but I told myself I would do it, and I will.

August 25, 2008

Wonderful things are in store for you this year, Virgo! You're experiencing tremendous feelings of rebirth and, as you release old ways of expressing yourself, you'll find yourself walking into all kinds of new experiences.

A re-emergence of your inventive and creative self will give you new ways of taking action and bringing your talents into the world. You will feel secure, safe and centered, which allows you to achieve anything you want in your life. You will feel more spiritually balanced in 2009 than ever before.

Now that half a year has passed, I can say that I’m not so sure about everything this horoscope says, but I will say, some things are definitely accurate … I think the people who write these things are actually lawyers because they’re full of such generalities!

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day, the high, just under 80, sunny, and with a gentle breeze most of the day. Being this was a Monday, I worked J, but celebrated my birthday along with my nephew’s later in the week with my family at the borrow pit.

A lot of traveling was done in 2007-08, but never enough: San Diego, Tijuana, Grand Canyon, Sedona, Phoenix, New Mexico, Washington D.C., Indiana, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri. Experiencing, no longer letting life pass by, and realizing just how precious every moment truly is, and feeling the significance of forces much greater than oneself ... these were the recurring themes over the past year.

If you ever get a chance to go the Grand Canyon, do it ... it is not just a hole in the ground J ; make sure you go at sunset, though ... breathtaking.

Regardless of your politics, Obama is an amazing orator to watch in real life, and the effect he has on a crowd of over 20,000 is unbelievable!

Photography tip: Stormchasing is fun, but it’s hard to light a tornado at 1:30 in the morning. Thanks for going Rich!

Being promoted to 1st Assistant State’s Attorney was an honor, a privilege, and an eye-opening experience. Thank you for the opportunity, Paul.

Animal hoarding is an epidemic that is growing in America and a reminder that you just can’t ignore someone else’s problems because eventually, we all have to address the situation. Thank you for all of your help, Tails!

Speaking of animals, Jake and Farley, the Dalmatian and Weimaraner, are truly inseparable brothers after a year of getting used to one another.

That, in a nutshell is my year in review for 2007-08. I was blessed and privileged to have experienced so much with so many friends. If you want to know more, just ask, or become part of the next year!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gettysburg ... and Washington, D.C.

I had a few hours to kill on Sunday afternoon before the annual lobbying convention began, so a couple of good friends and I rented a vehicle and headed out of D.C. to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. While we drove around the countryside hitting all of the various battle points, we listened to a historian on cd who recounted the importance of each stop's events. The loss of life was simply staggering ... two stories that I can still hear in my mind are that when the battle in the Wheat Field was said and done, one soldier remarked that there wasn't a spot he could step on which was solid ground. Another remembered laying wounded for two days, waiting for help, and brandishing his sword at the hogs who were feasting on the deceased and those who couldn't fight them off. 51,112 casulties in three days.

The other two images are, of course, the White House and the Capitol Building near the reflecting pool. There seemed to be a very different, energetic buzz happening in D.C. with the new administration. Everyone was focused on passing the new Stimulus Bill in the hopes of dispersing the funds within (60) days ... but no one is quite sure where or how exactly the funds will be dispersed.

I did have the opporutnity to meet with Senator Durbin, Arne Duncan, and Representative Don Manzullo (the last one thoroughly disappointed us). I'm hoping for change!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Location, location, location ...

Sometimes if you're looking for the right shot, you change models and location. Lock and dam 14 ... very active birds :).