View looking up at all of the images at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

A quote from Elie Wiesel's book
Night, in which he recalls his childhood being stripped away from him during the Holocaust.

Korean Monument at night.

A tombstone at Arlington with a rock on top.

Spring comes earlier to D.C. than Illinois; unfortunately, it was still very cold while we were there.

Jets flying over Arlington for a burial service.

The gate into Chinatown in D.C. We were able to partake in the Chinese New Year! Awesome!

The dragons breathing in the New Year!

Fresh Cuisine!

Obama speaking at the University of Maryland during the Potomac Primaries.

The press corp ready to cover the primaries. Over 18,000 were in attendance for Obama's speech; most people looked to be under the age of twenty-five.

Street Musician.
Okay, so I may have been a little off as to when spring was going to arrive, especially given the fact that it's still in the thirties outside. With that said, however, a little birdie, actually several birdies, have told me by their whistles that spring is right around the corner, and with that, far warmer weather. I simply cannot wait. I'm tired of catching colds and the flu and am looking forward to sunny skies!
As for the images that you see here, they are various images that I didn't have the opportunity to post until now. Enjoy!
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