Friday, May 25, 2007

Student Loan Repayment ...

For those of you employed as prosecutors or public defenders, the John R. Justice Prosecutors and Public Defenders Incentive Act was passed by the House on May 15, 2007. In summary, it provides $10,000 per year to pay off student loans with a three year guarantee to work in this public arena. There are requisites, of course, such as being employed full time and not being in default status. Also, a maximum of $60,000 is available per borrower. Lastly, as usual, it's available only if the funding exists. As many of you in the public sector are aware, this bill is vitally important not only to enticing future attorneys, but in retaining trained and qualified ones, a practice which substantially bolsters the entire field of law. I'm all for the spirit in which it was introduced. Currently, the Senate has an identical bill scheduled for debate. Hopefully, the Senate will pass it.


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